10 Iconic Movies That Scream “1990s,” According to Reddit

In September of 2023, Reddit user shrimptini posted a question to r/MovieSuggestions, a subreddit for seeking out movies to watch. The question asked users which movies they found to be “oppressively 90s.” Many users came to the thread to answer the question.

The answers varied from classic horror flicks to comedies that many who lived through the era will recognize. Even those who were born post-90s will recognize some of these iconic flicks. So, if you’re in the mood from some 90s nostalgia, it might be worth checking these films out.

‘Clueless’ (1995)

The cast of 'Clueless'
Image via Paramount PIctures

Do you remember when Clueless came out and everyone thought it was ridiculous that all the characters in the movie carried around cell phones at all times? The concept doesn’t seem so foreign now, does it? This movie is the quintessential 90s teen comedy that practically defined the era all on its own.

This answer was put forth by the user Wizard_of_Claus, with another user, velociraptorjax providing a funny anecdote about their experience watching it. They state, “My husband came in while I was watching this and asked ‘Are you watching a parody of 90’s high school movies?’ I told him I am watching THE 90’s high school movie.”

‘Reality Bites’ (1994)

A man and a woman converse on a bench
Image via Universal Pictures

giant_lebowski’s answer of Reality Bites became the second most popular answer in the thread, and was met with 59 replies. Many of these replies echoed the era, as well provided some fun facts about the film. For example, the title was meant to be a double entendre meaning both “bites of reality” as in pieces of reality, as well as simply stating “reality sucks.”

RELATED: 10 Movies That Redditors Walked Out OnAnother interesting fact is that the cinematographer went on to win several Oscars. Many other users stated that they haven’t thought about the film in years and should probably have a rewatch for a trip down memory lane back to when times were simpler for some.

‘Hackers’ (1995)

the cast of 'Hackers'
Image via MGM

You’ve probably heard the unintentionally hilarious, yet legendary movie quote “hack the planet” before. If for whatever reason you didn’t know, this is where it came from. The user UncomfortableAnswers gave this ironically comfortable answer, with the user zarathustranu replying that the skateboarding villain is incredibly 90s.

Hackers came out at a time when computers and the internet were relatively new, and it shows. From floppy disks to antiquated hardware, it’s a real nostalgia trip back to an excellent era.

‘Space Jam’ (1996)

From left to right: Michael Jordan, Marvin the Martian, Bugs Bunny, and Daffy Duck on the basketball court
Image via Warner Bros. 

Who could forget the iconic 90s sports comedy movie starring Michael Jordan and the Looney Tunes of all things? Space Jam is a movie that seamlessly blends animation and live-action. This is one of the most wildest, craziest films ever made, with everything from outer space to basketball, to amusement parks in it.

RELATED: 10 Movies That Are 10/10, According to RedditThe user DeltaMx11 gave this answer, but didn’t elaborate and didn’t receive any replies. However, it is a sentiment that can easily be agreed upon, including the people who upvoted (Reddit’s equivalent to “likes”) the comment.

‘The Brady Bunch Movie’ (1995)

The cast of the Brady Bunch movie in 70s outfits
Image via Paramount Pictures

The Brady Bunch is a sitcom that ran from 1969-1974. But in the 90s, it was brought back for a fresh revival in movie form. The show centred on a father with three sons marrying a mother with three daughters, resulting in a blended family with six children in all. Add a dog and a housekeeper onto that, and you’ve got the recipe for a beloved sitcom.

Despite the original series coming out in the 60s and 70s, the user MisterShapiro stated, “The Brady Bunch Movie AND A Very Brady Sequel are very 90’s. It’s very grunge but even taps into the 70’s nostalgia in a satirical way that we saw back in the 90’s.”

‘You’ve Got Mail’ (1998)

Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan converse
Image via Warner Bros. 

“90s comedies feel very of their time, especially Romcoms. You’ve Got Mail is incredibly 90s,” said the user uncle_monty. This movie stars Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan as two lovers who begin to communicate anonymously via email. Email today isn’t quite as widely-used for casual communication, obviously. Especially since instant messaging and dating apps now exist.

This is what makes the movie so stereotypically 90s: it’s a product of its time, starring two actors that defined the era with a plot that perfectly represents everything about the decade.

‘Scream’ (1996)

Ghostface draws a knife
Image via Dimension Films

The original Scream movie is actually a tongue-in-cheek parody of other slasher films that wound up spawning its own long-running franchise of highly-respected slasher movies. The most recent instalment was just released in 2023. Quite a few users stated this answer.

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In a reply to the user Eikcammailliw, the user Ambitious_Log_1884 stated “I’m a die-hard Scream fan but no one really talks about how aggressively 90s mid budget thriller it can be.” Everything from the wardrobe to the cliches to the haircuts is such a testament to the 90s that it has become a beloved representation of horror films at the time.

‘The Net’ (1995)

Sandra Bullock looks at a laptop
Image via Sony

This answer was provided by _ChipWhitley_. The Net is a 90s action-thriller film which jumped on the bandwagon of using computers and the internet, which were still fairly new, as a plot point. The user Mairdo51 stated that the film is “more serious than Hackers, yet so much dumber in retrospect.”

Just like Hackers, this movie featured floppy disks and antiquated hardware. It also starred some pretty famous actors, namely Sandra Bullock. Apart from that, the movie is riddled with 90s cheese at nearly every angle.

‘Teenage Apocalypse’ Trilogy (1993-1997)

The cast of 'Totally F***ed Up'
Image via Strand Releasing

Gregg Araki‘s teen apocalypse trilogy – Nowhere, The Doom Generation and Totally F***ed Up. I enjoy them but they’re not for everyone. however they are super over the top in your face 90s,” said the user cerareece. The drama trilogy has become a staple of the New Queer Cinema movement that was prominent in the 90s, and in Araki’s works.

Many of the themes focus on sexuality and self-acceptance, which was something that began to see fruition even before the 90s. However, it was during the era that they really began to take on lives of their own. Furthermore, one of the characters literally shouts “It’s the 90s!” in one of the films, which is a testament to the popular idea that the 90s was a new, exciting era for many.

‘Go’ (1999)

Promotional image for 'Go'
Image via Sony

The user grafton24 gave this answer. A few others replied, with islandstorm stating “I feel like this isn’t a super well-known movie but it’s an absolute banger!” BunsenHoneydewsEyes also stated “This is the first movie that popped into my head at the question.

It just feels like all of it is stamped with that era.”

Even the movie poster of Go screams “1990s,” and its crime-comedy premise is one that was done nearly to death during the time. It can also be viewed as a holiday movie since much of the plot takes place on and around Christmas.

KEEP READING: 10 Best Psychological Thrillers of All Time, According to Reddit

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