10 Worst Love is Blind Episodes, Ranked

Love is Blind is on its sixth season, already renewed through to a seventh. The show has been so popular, it spawned international versions in Brazil, Sweden, and Japan. The unique and fast-tracked dating concept sees couples building an emotional connection behind pods, meeting in person, and planning a wedding, all in the span of just over a month.



Every season has its moments, whether it’s sweet and tender ones or intense drama. But every season also has lackluster episodes that fans wish they could skip or are left rolling their eyes while watching. Season one is spared from criticism: the concept was so new at the time that every episode had something exciting to offer. But when it comes to the rest of the seasons, they each had episodes that are totally passable.

10 “A Family Affair”

Season 2, Episode 7

Danielle dressed as a hot dog and Nick has a corn on the cob on Love is Blind.
Image via Netflix

It was admittedly funny to watch Nick panic, seeing how Danielle just leaves her Rock Band set out in the open as opposed to putting it away in a closet when she’s not using it. But the family and friend visits in this episode weren’t as exciting as others. First, Sal not only sang (again), but this time, he had a friend play guitar to back him up while he did it. By this time, fans (and possibly even Mallory) had seen Sal sing enough and wished his tunes would get less screen time. Shake continuing to string Deepti along was difficult to watch. Given how he spoke about her to others, it’s no surprise they split at the altar.

Sure, this episode has hilarious moments, like Danielle and Nick dressed in full-sized hot dog and corn on the cob costumes having a deep conversation about what they each want out of life. But overall, this was a highlight of an otherwise mundane episode.

9 “Love is a Battlefield”

Season 5, Episode 8

Uche and Milton sitting on a shelf taking to one another on Love is Blind.
Image via Netflix

While Love is Blind is all about finding a soulmate, the drama is what makes it exciting, too. Fans got a lot of that with the passionate argument between Uche and Lydia that occurred in this episode. Things got out of hand when accusations were flying, and Lydia walked away in a huff. Meanwhile, things were just as rough with the love triangle that was Izzy, Stacy, and Johnie. It was like watching high school drama unfold, and it wasn’t pretty.

The Lydia, Milton, Uche love triangle story was getting old by this point, becoming repetitive and unproductive to the narrative of the story. If the hope was to see a throwdown between Uche and Milton, the latter didn’t seem to care so much about their history or anything Uche had to say. He was cool as a cucumber, living in his own truth, which meant the drama fizzled out as quickly as it started.

8 “Love on the Rocks”

Season 5, Episode 9

Stacy and Izzy hugging one another in front of planes in a scene from Love is Blind.
Image via Netflix

Following the epic blowout between Uche and Lydia at the reunion (and the incredible calm and maturity that Milton showed amidst the situation), the attention shifted to the couples in the final stages of planning their weddings. Will they go through with it or not? Stacy and Izzy had been on shaky ground and this intensified as Stacy expressed what she needed (apparently first class plane tickets from time to time, according to her father) and whether Izzy could fulfill those emotional needs. He surprises her with a wonderful date: an airplane ride (fitting given her father’s comment) and a private dinner.

While there’s clear sexual chemistry between the two, this episode shows the cracks that exist and makes fans wonder if they will go through with the “I dos” or not. Also, in this episode, there is an awkward dinner between Milton and Lydia that involves a fight, and an even more awkward meeting with Milton’s family where they openly tell Lydia they don’t think her feelings for their son are real. Once again, fans spend yet another episode hearing about their big age difference. Overall, there was nothing particularly compelling about this episode, so much so that fans could leave it out entirely and not feel like they missed anything.

7 “Welcome to Love is Blind!”

Season 3, Episode 1

Andrew from Love is Blind sitting back on the couch, legs crossed and sipping on wine.
Image via Netflix

Usually, the first episode of any season ranks highly. Fans are excited to have the show back and can’t wait to see the new faces and relationships start to bloom. There are always questions about villains and love triangles, people who appear to be there for the right reasons and some for the wrong. But there was something about season 3 that didn’t click the same way. It seemed off.

Highlights of the interviews with cast members include Colleen talking about herself as a ballet dancer to eye-rolling levels and Alexa focusing on her weight when fans wished she would not have made that first comment about herself. The pod dates included uncomfortable conversations, like Andrew talking about how he can deliver “orgasmic pleasure.” Then there was Raven, who used every spare moment in the pods to keep up with her fitness, from subtle moves like cat cows to full-on jumping jacks while, all while the guys were pouring their hearts out to her. There was a strange aura around this case that made it one of the less appealing introductory episodes to date.

6 “Thank You, Next”

Season 4, Episode 10

Chelsea sitting on a window ledge in underwear, a shirtless Kwame with his head to her stomach in a scene from Love is Blind.
Image via Netflix

Remember that awkward photo shoot Kwame and Chelsea did? Fans of the show likely wish they could forget. While they are both beautiful people with fabulous bodies, fans didn’t need to see them prance around and pose in sexually suggestive positions with one another. Making it worse is when Chelsea mentions that she dreamed about doing a photoshoot with her fiancé as a little girl. Fans hope the sexy boudoir photos she was capturing weren’t specifically what she had in mind then.

A lot more happens in this episode, including the usual tuxedo and dress fittings, the expected break-up between Jackie and Marshall (where she reveals she saw Josh and is attracted to him), and Zack’s awkward meeting with Bliss’ dad. But fans couldn’t help but remember this episode only because of that uncomfortable-to-watch boudoir shoot, calling the entire scene weird and very cringy.

5 “Don’t Give Up On Me”

Season 5, Episode 5

Taylor and JP arguing in bed in a scene from Love is Blind.
Image via Netflix

There was so much not to like about this episode. Much of it focused on the interactions between JP and Taylor, or rather, the lack thereof. Fans watched the two go about their days and nights, Taylor trying repeatedly to engage JP in conversation and him giving terse one-word answers, then awkwardly going back to doing nothing or staring into space.

It all came to a head when JP revealed that while he thinks Taylor is gorgeous, he thought she looked fake with all her make-up at the reveal. Did he expect her to come fresh-faced out of the shower in a ponytail and sweats? It was such a ridiculous fight. It was good to see Taylor stand up for herself and eventually end their engagement and give back the ring. The episode was as painful to watch as it probably was for the two to experience.

4 “She Lied to Me”

Season 6, Episode 5

Jimmy hugging Chelsea on Love is Blind looking directly at the camera.
Image via Netflix

Fans were horrified to see the look on Jimmy’s face when he met Chelsea in person after proposing to her. It was, by far, one of the cringiest moments in season 6. His comments were that she lied to him by saying people told her she looked like Megan Fox. Their first meeting was so awkward, it made fans wonder if they would even make it to the vacation, much less the wedding.

The latter part of the episode features all the couples at a resort in the Dominican Republic. The fake “I love yous,” constant PDA, and moments of awkward silence or forced conversation between the couples were almost as bad as watching paint dry. There doesn’t always have to be drama for the show to be entertaining. But the slow pacing of this episode highlighted so many flaws in the authenticity of the cast.

3 “Big, Big Love”

Season 5, Episode 10

Izzy looking at Stacy in a wedding dress in a scene from Love is Blind.
Image via Netflix

The wedding episode is the one that fans look forward to, a culmination of everything that has led up to that moment. It’s the full circle moment for a couple who, after a month, need to decide if they will make a lifelong commitment to one another or part ways. For fans, they get to see if the couples they were rooting for actually make it or not.

The thing with this season is that it had the fewest number of couples get engaged, and only two actually made it to the wedding episode. The good thing about both is that it was a toss-up: fans could see the weddings go either way. Neither was a dead giveaway before they reached the altar. So, there was some level of suspense. But because the episode only followed these two couples, it seemed like there was a lot of filler content where a third (or even fourth) couple’s segment might usually be. There’s only so much crying and pondering fans can watch the cast members do before wanting to hit the 30-second skip button.

2 “The Live Reunion”

Season 4, Episode 13

Aaliyah and Taylor from Love is Blind sitting on a couch both looking unimpressed on the reunion special.
Image via Netflix

The content of this episode wasn’t the greatest, but it was the entire situation surrounding it that made this one of the worst. Love is Blind is one of the best reality shows on Netflix, but when the streaming service opted to stream the reunion live, it didn’t quite work out. A host of technical difficulties left fans sitting at home with their wine, popcorn, and charcuterie boards staring at a blank screen for hours.

When the reunion’s live feed finally started working, the progress delivered play-by-play by host Vanessa Lachey on social media, it seemed awkward and rushed. Fans did not like how Vanessa kept pushing the baby conversation on the couples who did indeed get married. Meanwhile, no drama seemed force, like the discord between Paul and Micah. Having Jackie appear on video and watching Marshall’s expressions as she spoke were the highlight of the usually exciting night.

1 “Feeling Uncomfy”

Season 6, Episode 6

Jimmy with his arm around AD in a scene from Love is Blind.
Image via Netflix

Usually, the episode where all the cast members meet at the beach to scope one another out and present themselves as couples is one of the most interesting ones. This is the one where we saw Danielle lay into Nick about him going on his own, Mallory and Jarrette have a flirty conversation at the bar in front of their respective fiancés, and Amber spends the evening giving Jessica the “stay away from my man” evil eye. But it wasn’t the case at all with this episode in season 6.

It seemed like every couple simply wanted to parade around, presenting the picture-perfect, Instagram-worthy version of their partnership to the others to one-up them. The comments objectifying AD and her body were rampant, causing ridiculous fights. This is the first episode where fans see Chelsea and Jimmy fight in a far too long and irrational scene. Fans felt bored and irritated after watching this episode. It’s the one fans can’t wait to flip by to get back to the good stuff.

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NEXT: Every ‘Love is Blind’ Season and Version, Ranked

#Worst #Love #Blind #Episodes #Ranked

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