Trailer For an Interesting Vampire Film EMPIRE V About Russian Society Being Controlled By Vampires — GeekTyrant

Fangoria has released a trailer for an upcoming new vampire thriller titled Empire V. The movie is a social parody of modern Russian society being controlled by vampires. The movie was originally supposed to be released by Sony Pictures in Russia back in 2022, but after the Ukrainian war started, it was pulled from theaters by the Kremlin and banned.

In the film, “a 19-year-old Moscow nobody (Pavel Tabakov) is turned into a vampire, and thereby becomes part of an elite and powerful echelon of society who have controlled humanity since time immemorial. Empire V is an astounding visual feast, featuring innovative and propulsive visual effects sequences that enhance and elevate its timely social commentary.”

The movie was written and directed by Victor Ginzburg and it also stars Taya Radchenko, Miron Fedorov, and Vera Alentova. This movie looks like a wild flick and as you’ll see in the trailer things get pretty crazy.

The movie is premiering at the Fantasia Film Festival in July. It might be worth checking out if you’re interested in watching a unique vampire movie. Watch the they trailer and let us know what you think!

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