Water restrictions rolled back for some, not all in Georgetown

GEORGETOWN, Texas (KXAN) — After water supply issues, high demand, and infrastructure interruptions last week, the City of Georgetown has loosened water restrictions for some. Those left in Stage 3 restrictions are still regulated to hand-watering only outdoors.

This week, the city announced that residents west of D.B. Wood Road and southwest of Williams Drive will remain in Stage 3 restrictions through Sept. 4.

According to the city’s update FAQ on the restrictions, customers not in the affected area have returned to Stage 2 restrictions. Those allow watering one day a week.

The FAQ goes on to list that water customers still in Stage 3 restrictions include:

  • Southwest of Williams Drive
  • West of D.B. Wood Road
  • West of SW Bypass
  • Parkside
  • Santa Rita
  • Liberty Hill ETJ
  • Parmer Ranch
  • Water Oak

In a statement, Mayor Josh Schroeder said the heat is playing a major factor in keeping these restrictions in place.

“We know Georgetown water customers take pride in their homes, and not being allowed to water our lawns is far from ideal. However, having safe drinking water for our customers must take priority over pristine, green lawns. We are taking this step to ensure we can continue to provide safe drinking water, at least until temperatures cool down,” Schroeder said.

Residents, like Lori Tickner, said they are disappointed by the change in water restrictions. Tickner lives in the area that is still under Stage 3 restrictions and said her family already has plans to replace patches of grass that are too sun-scorched to revive.

“Part of it’s dead and it’s not coming back. So we’re going to be replacing that with more zero-scaaping rocks, things like that. But you know, that’s replacing thousands of dollars worth of stuff we already did,” Tickner said.

Tickner said she questions the fairness of the regulations.

“It’s frustrating because it’s an unequal distribution of the problem,” Ticknor said.

#Water #restrictions #rolled #Georgetown

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