The Warden’s Law is a Legendary Hand Cannon reintroduced in season 22 of Destiny 2. This weapon archetype is fantastic in both PvP and PvE content. The Warden’s Law is the first Legendary Hand Cannon to be given the new Heavy Burst subcategory in the game. The weapon fires a hard-hitting, two-round burst. This offers a fun aspect that cannot be found with other Legendary Hand Cannons.
Guardians can earn the Warden’s Law from the Vanguard Nightfall playlist in Destiny 2. This also means that the Adept version of the Hand Cannon drops during the Grand Master difficulty. You can guarantee the Warden’s Law as a reward from the final chest by defeating all champions in the Nightfall, earning a Platinum Rank. The main benefit to acquiring the Adept version of the Hand Cannon is that Guardians can equip Adept mods. The Warden’s Law sits in the Primary slot and deals Kinetic damage.
How To Unlock The Warden’s Law Hand Cannon (& God Roll)
In Season of the Witch, the Warden’s Law Hand Cannon drops from the Battlegrounds: Europa Heist. While originally a separate activity, each Heist Battleground is now part of the Vanguard playlist. The Europa variant can be challenging, especially on Grand Master difficulty. This is due to the high enemy density and little cover during the final encounter. Once Guardians acquire a copy of the Warden’s Law, the weapon can be repurchased from Zavala in the Tower. This requires Vanguard Engram, 25 Legendary Shards, and 20,000 Glimmer in Destiny 2. The Adept version can also be bought but requires a Nightfall Cipher, and the weapon must be in rotation. The God Rolls for the Warden’s Law can be found below:
PvE God Roll |
Perks |
Barrel |
Polygonal Rifling |
Magazine |
Flared Magwell |
Trait 1 |
Perpetual Motion |
Trait 2 |
Frenzy |
PvP God Roll |
Perks |
Barrel |
Polygonal Rifling |
Magazine |
Accurized Rounds |
Trait 1 |
Moving Target |
Trait 2 |
Kill Clip |
You want to prioritize increasing Stability to ensure they can land critical hits on a target. Both Polygonal Rifling and Flared Magwell increase this stat, while the latter also increases reload speed. Perpetual Motion temporarily gives a bonus to Stability, Handling, and reload speed while the wielder is in motion. Finally, Frenzy grants increased damage, Handling, and reload speed while in combat. Since you will constantly move in PvE content, the extra Stability will increase accuracy.
Once again, Guardians want to grab Polygonal Rifling but will take Accurized Rounds for the Magazine for the increased range. Moving Target is good in PvP content because this grants increased movement speed and target acquisition while aiming down sights. Lastly, Frenzy is a great option when fighting against other Guardians. While there are other beneficial Perks, Frenzy is a consistent and solid choice that will always be active during combat in Destiny 2.
#Wardens #Law #Hand #Cannon