A reader asks for an explanation of “fourth-suit” auctions, which often appear in my columns.
Today’s auction went easily. North’s jump to three diamonds was forcing, as per his partnership agreement, and South had an easy 3NT bid. North may have considered acting again.
Now say North had held A54,J,AQ8742,1042. He can’t jump to three diamonds, forcing — his hand isn’t strong enough to commit to game — but he wants to invite game. So North needs a way to invite and to force.
Many players use a bid of the “fourth suit” to force. North would bid two hearts at his second turn, saying nothing about hearts but asking South to make a further descriptive bid. South would bid 2NT next, and North could then bid three diamonds, forcing.
North-South might even reach six diamonds, a fair contract. But suppose South plays at 3NT, and West leads the deuce of hearts: jack, queen, ace. South has eight top tricks, and since he will be safe if diamonds break 3-2, he might lead the king and a second diamond.
When West discards, South is in trouble. He can take the A-Q of diamonds and the A-K of clubs, dropping East’s jack. but since the clubs are blocked, South can’t score both dummy’s ten and his own queen. He will go down one.
For an extra chance, South tests the clubs first, taking the A-K. Then he can go to the ten of clubs, come back to the king of diamonds, cash the queen of clubs and take two more high diamonds and the ace of spades in dummy to fulfill the contract.
South dealer
Both sides vulnerable
S A 5 4
D A Q 8 7 4 2
C A 10 2
S K J 9 8
H K 8 5 2
D 6
C 9 8 6 4
S Q 6
H Q 10 7 4 3
D J 10 9 5
C J 7
S 10 7 3 2
H A 9 6
D K 3
C K Q 5 3
South West North East
1 C Pass 1 D Pass
1 S Pass 3 D Pass
3 NT All Pass
Opening lead — H 2
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