Chandrayaan-3 Lander Photographed on Moon’s Surface by NASA’s LRO Spacecraft: See Pictures

[ad_1] The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) of the American space agency NASA has captured an image of the Chandrayaan-3 landing site. The spacecraft is currently near the moon’s south pole since its successful soft landing on August 23. The Chandrayaan-3 landing site is located about 600 kilometers from the Moon’s South Pole. The camera attached … Read more

Japan Postpones ‘Moon Sniper’ Rocket Launch Carrying NASA, ESA-Made Satellite, for Third Time

[ad_1] Japan’s space agency on Monday postponed for the third time the launch of its “Moon Sniper” lunar mission due to poor weather. The H2-A rocket due to blast off from the southern island of Tanegashima was also carrying a research satellite developed with NASA and the European Space Agency. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency … Read more

Sun-Observing Spacecraft Sheds Light on the Solar Wind’s Origin

[ad_1] The solar wind is a ubiquitous feature of our solar system. This relentless high-speed flow of charged particles from the sun fills interplanetary space. On Earth, it triggers geomagnetic storms that can disrupt satellites and it causes the dazzling auroras — the northern and southern lights — at high latitudes. But precisely how the … Read more

Race for Moon Resources Has Begun, Says Russia’s Space Chief After Luna-25 Crash

[ad_1] The race to explore and develop the moon’s resources has begun and Russia must remain a player despite the failure of its first lunar mission in 47 years, the head of Russia’s space agency Roskosmos said on Monday. Russia’s Luna-25 spacecraft spun out of control and crashed into the moon on Saturday after a … Read more

Despite Luna-25’s Failure, Russia Is Hopeful to Explore Moon’s Resources

[ad_1] The race to explore and develop the moon‘s resources has begun and Russia must remain a player despite the failure of its first lunar mission in 47 years, the head of Russia’s space agency Roskosmos said on Monday. Russia’s Luna-25 spacecraft spun out of control and crashed into the moon on Saturday after a … Read more

US Warns Its Space Industry Against Cyberattacks, Hacking by Foreign Entities

[ad_1] US counterintelligence agencies on Friday warned the American space industry to guard against efforts by foreign intelligence entities to steal research and trade secrets as they try to boost their own countries’ space programs.  “We anticipate growing threats to this burgeoning sector of the US economy,” a US counterintelligence official told Reuters, adding that … Read more

Amazon Switches Spacecraft for Launching Internet Satellites Next Month

[ad_1] plans to launch its first pair of prototype internet satellites late next month on a different rocket than previously planned, a spokesman said on Monday, again switching rides for the spacecraft to avoid mounting rocket delays. The company will launch the first two satellites for Amazon’s Kuiper program, which aims to offer internet globally … Read more

Mars May Have Been Habitable in the Past, NASA Rover Observations Suggest Water Presence: Scientists

[ad_1] Mars may have seen dry and wet season cycles and thus, may have been habitable at some point in its past, according to scientists. Analysis of mud crack patterns on the early Martian surface, observed by NASA’s Curiosity Rover, suggest an irregular or episodic presence of water, meaning water could have been present for … Read more